Originally posted by Don_Michel:
[quote]Originally posted by Wiseguy_1872:
[quote] Originally posted by Don Michel
[b]Racism ain't a pure Mafia kind of thing, most of the Italians are racists.
The above comment that 'most of the Italians are racist' is the kind of sweeping statement that I take issue with.

Of course racism should feature in movies in portraying life accurately,be it in the context of gangsters,wars or whatever.

But in real life racism needs to be challenged. It may form part of a culture, but cultures have to evolve. Life changes.[/b][/quote]Sorry, but i don't understand what you exactly mean.

I'm a kind of a racist as well but not like the KKK or so. Just don't like people who behave different, it doesn't mean that i hate them, just don't like them. The exeption are gays, i hate gays, but with a good reason. A couple of them raped my stepbrother in the Netherlands.[/QB][/quote]Don_Michel ,i'm sorry to hear what happened to your 'stepbrother' in the Netherlands,but that statement you've threaded PISSED ME OFF!!! First of all ,i'm 100% hetereosexual ('straight' for the THICK REDNECKS who dont understand ENGLISH), i don't have any GAY (queer,******s,arse-bandits) friends, but for YOU to say you hate GAYS for the reason you say is absolutely ridiculous to say the least.You are actually stereotyping a MINORITY from a MINORITY of people because they're gay and because other people are from other backgrounds.You might as well say you HATE everything and anything.You don't like people because they behave different to you has to be the most childish comment that i've just read on here,how can you justify that as your argument on this topic on racism.What or Who gave you the right to say that you are the PERFECT SPECIMEN and that everyone should be a CLONE of you.As far as i'm concerned i feel that most ,if not ALL people who are racist, suffer from an inferiorority complex!!!!!!!!The excuses some of you try to make for your racism are pathetic,i personnally feel that you speak as a minority and damage the reputation of the Majority, which is the honest law abiding citizens in all our countries that we live in.
I'm going to have to remind a lot of people out there, that if they look back at their history they will notice that the country that they live in ,is actually made of minorities from all over EUROPE,ASIA and AFRICA.Some went and immigrated to the new land in the West,some were stolen and sold as slaves.But they were all minorities from all walks of life,RICH & POOR, YOUNG & OLD,BLACK & WHITE and even YELLOW.A few hundred years later some of these peoples ancestors still seem to think they belong to their ancestors original home,be it Italy,Spain,France,The U.K and all over Asia.What i don't seem to understand is....You people have lived there for all these years not being able to get on with one another,but in the mean time forgetting that only 60 years ago,for some of you, your Grandfathers were fighting against one nations oppression against another which led to WW2 which included the persecution of Jews and alot of other people classed as MINORITIES or the UNDERCLASSED.These people were persecuted because they were different and the so-called superior race felt superior because one fucking idiot bullshitted them into thinking so,how fucking stupid is that???,they couldn't even think for themselves, they had to be told they were better/superior than the other races.
No one person is better than anyone, no matter what country they originate from,colour of hair,eyes,size of feet,short or tall,fat or thin,these are all exterior features which don't actually insinuate that any one of us,White or Black etc,etc, is a Rapist,Murderer,Child Killer,Car thief or any different from the person next door or down the street, in a different neighbourhood to ourselves..
I, i'm sure you could believe it, could go on all night and day trying to get my point across that I'm not better than you ,He's not better than Him and so on and so forth,blah,blah,blah...
So i'll leave it there for now....
Deano...(Patriotic,non-racist Brit)

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