Originally posted by PastaPunk:
It is my opinion that you may think whatever you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. (You can "not like" blacks if you want as long as you don't tie them up and drag them behind your truck down a country road.) It's when the "thoughts of hatred" become "actions of hatred" that cause the problems.

I think that if a person treats me kindly, I'll treat them kindly back. No matter what color they are. Then again, if one treats me with disrespect, you can bet your ass I'll be a bitch about it.
At last the voice of reason, and from one so young too I agree completely with you here Pastapunk.
I recall the killing of the black guy they kidnapped and tied up behind the truck and dragged down the road. It was one of the most upsetting things I ever heard. It was quite big news here in Britain because of the absolute shock of it.
Theres people I dont get on with just as there are people I do get on with, people of all nationalities and I think if there ok with me I am ok with them. And for the most part everyone is fine (I'm talking 'real-life here not the BB') as you say, respect in everyday life for each other. Just wanted to add my agreement I'll shut up now cos I get long winded and carried away

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