Originally posted by Guinea Guarino
It is a thing you can mask, deny, and even hate about yourself. You can try to change it, but few people will succeed.

As someone who has never felt the need to be racist, I have never needed to 'succeed' as you put it. I have always been vehemently anti-racist. Many people feel the same. Anti-racism is something that has passed on from generation to generation of my family.

Originally posted by AppleonYa

today's society has made it so that many people get real touchy on the subject of racism; feeling so guilty at even discussing it that when someone dares to blurt out the simple facts (racism IS passed on from generation to generation), they are maligned. Others then feel obligated to then come out and state they oppose racism. It's the same pattern, it happense every time.

I don't feel guilty about discussing racism. But yes, as a progressive person I take pride in condeming racism. At no point have I denied that racism exists, nor that it is passed on from generation to generation. Does this mean that racism should be accepted as appropriate in the real world? Absolutely not! Progress is about liberating ourselves from bigoted attitudes. I feel that some contributers to this thread are accepting racism as not worth challenging.

Originally posted by Don Michel
Racism ain't a pure Mafia kind of thing, most of the Italians are racists.

The above comment that 'most of the Italians are racist' is the kind of sweeping statement that I take issue with.

Of course racism should feature in movies in portraying life accurately,be it in the context of gangsters,wars or whatever.

But in real life racism needs to be challenged. It may form part of a culture, but cultures have to evolve. Life changes.