It is the evolution of a topic.

I was completely on-topic with mentioning the fact that it is rampant and inheirited in my family, coming from a mafia family myself; the racism of mobsters being what we were talking about.

With all due respect, Wiseguy_1872, the fact is that racism exists. A lot of people are racist. It isn't an evil thing, it is an aspect of someone's being, just as a quick temper is. It is a thing you can mask, deny, and even hate about yourself. You can try to change it, but few people will succeed. It was okay to bring up the topic of racism in mobsters, however not okay to begin a discussion of racism in the "average Joe." It is the same thing. I know that may be hard for you to grasp, having never known or loved an infamous criminal. You won't understand it, but I'll tell you anyway.

I would like to (if I may ) quote something goodfellaoggie said to me: "You can just ignore it if you don't like the topic."

The Mafia is like fire: It can keep you warm or it can burn you alive.