Racism is the most human thing there is: hating and fearing what is different and what you don't understand. "Racist" people come from all walks of life and thrives in all kinds of people. To say it "doesn't really surprise you" that all those "types of people" tend to be racist just makes no sense. My father joined the U.S. Air Force to get his education (the money from my family's business ventures did not at all pay our way). Once he got his degree in radiology, he then helped put my mother through nursing school. We have no large fortune, but we are middle class citizens who have worked honorably for what we have, which is everything we really need. My father got us out of the Mafia. He is a good man. He is not a criminal. He is racist, though. He learned it from his parents, who learned it from their parents, and so on. Think on that, Fanucci. And by the way, Guineapig is right about minorities being just as racist. As whites in a well racially mixed area, my family and I are taunted by blacks all the time.

The Mafia is like fire: It can keep you warm or it can burn you alive.