Originally posted by Goodfella 69:
But times change, but im guessing the strategies are still similar in some ways like the old days.
Congrats on being a button first and foremost . Being in Chicago, I noticed the mafia (as I assume, if not, maybe related to illegal businesses) hold meetings in dark areas (like a closed store with no lights or in an Italian restaurant (properly dressed I might add). They are accompanies by a bodyguard (who looks around and very cautious). I suspect they initiate these type of environment as to not attract the law enforcers (who roam around meticulously).

A bit of history on the so called Mafia:
The Mafia was started in Sicily during medieval times to protect the estates when the landlords were not there. By the 1800's the Mafia had become criminal and used violence throughout Sicily. The members were sworn by a strict ethical code called omerta. That was a group of rules and if you broke one you died. The Mafia became so strong that they became politicians and were able to influence police forces and gain access to weapons. The Italian government under Benito Mussolini tried to control the Mafia but it came out strong again after World War II. Because of Mussolini being so strict members of the Mafia moved to the United States where they then led many criminal activities especially during Prohibition. By the 1930's it moved into other illegal activities.

I know all this because I have witnesses it (and i happen to be very observant, hehehe). Cool thread indeed (learned a lot here ) and take it easy.

"Life is so beatiful" - Don Vito in The Godfather novel
"My name is Michael Corleone...There are people who'd pay a lot of money for that information" - The Godfather