that was some what of a reply i was looking for..but i also wanted to know more in depth about the rackets themselves. For example, Gambling, how does someone start theyre own illegal gambling operation? do they find a club and bribe the owner into letting them use it to gamble in? if so, how does the mafia get people to come in and gamble, basically how do they advertise it. also, whats a bookie? and what what exactly is a loan shark? i have read about most all of this before but either forgot or just didnt understand the definitions i was given. As for the Prostituion or Porn rackets. How is that gone about. Does a Mafioso member walk the streets and find hookers looking for pimps? and MOST of all, where to Mobsters get tips on hiijacking trucks with goods that they steal and sell for a lower price, to make pure profit. Who buys the stolen goods from them in the first place? Buisness owners looking for a cheap way to get products for theyre stores then sell them at a higher price therefor evrybodys happy except the company who gets stolen from? Im just trying to find out more info and see if what im saying is correct as well.

"Murders came with smiles, shooting people was no big deal for us Goodfellas..."