Originally posted by Scarlett:
[QUOTE]...I know it's "Un-American" to say it but the whole Kenedy family makes me sick.
The media in this country has all but canonized them and for what?...
Trust me, Scarlett - it's NOT un-American. They make me sick, too. They're a bunch of hypocrites, and they ARE canonized for no good reason. They used Sinatra to help them win in 1960, then turned their back on him because of his friendship w/ Sammy. What drives me nuts is when they're referred to as 'America's Royalty', or when JFK Jr. died, he was mourned as 'America's Prince'!!! Little mention that his death was due to his recklessnes and inexperience as a pilot, and that he took his wife & sister-in-law with him. It all started when JFK was assasinated; that made this previously not-very-popular President (who might very well have lost re-election in '64) a martyr. That started the wheels turning that put the whole family a step above the rest of us.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.