TURI-this thing has always been about money,power,
who has the best score,you guys watch way to many
of these movies about how people live in these mafioso families,drugs has always been a part of this thing since lansky,vito genovese,etc.this honer thing you talk about is just guys on t.v. talking,the only guys living that life are bosses
who have somewhat legit business affairs and distance themselves from the family associates,the
laws now are so strict that capos and such are making deals so they can cut the time down,there is honor among them,they do show loyalty,gigante,
gotti,merlino,scarfo,vario,fat tony salerno,jimmy
burke,there are 100's of guys who rotted in jail
when they could have ratted and cut the time down,
my old boss never ratted,he had a stroke,got sent
up on the commission trial and died in jail,no,
when you live like they do then maybe you will understand,i've been to jail 15 times since 1985
something i'm not proud of,but never once did I talk about my dealings in my business world,and the people i deal with are as loyal to me as a puppy would be to you,this is more then i should
have said but i dont hide my name i used it when
i registered and i can never be made because i am