Originally posted by Francis The Kid Forducci:
Sonny, I hate Riina because he ruined my mother's homeland. I have my reasons. But at least Don Michel has the balls to say where he lives. Unlike you who is scared someone is going to track you down. What a paranoid loser. I remember KO wanted to have a "Who's Online" feature and you didn't want it cause you wanted privacy. , what a goof.

Your hilarious. You're that uptight about your privacy to a message board. Geez, you should be a comedian. "I'm bloody scared, that bloody people are going to see what bloody posts I'm looking at. I bloody, dont bloody like bloody it, mate."

How many times are you going to personally attack people? You saw what I wrote about "Tough Guys" You have to laugh at people and call them goofs or losers all the time. Please for fucks sake stop it. Use the private message function. You always seem to have to go through old posts and find other quotes what people have said to insult other people further.

Well done. You must be proud.

It's gone too far.

Oh and PS: If anyone thinks this has nothing to do with me, think again, this is a public message board. I'd rather be reading posts based on opinions with facts backing them up rather than personal attacks. I've put up with it for long enough, but it's seriously gone too far now.

So die all who betray Giuliano