Originally posted by Francis The Kid Forducci:

At least I have respect for Sicily and America.

The fact that the guy doesn't agree with a certain view-point of The American Administration doesn't mean that he doesn't respect/like them....I know of a lot of American Sinators, Governors, and Pezzonavanti who do disagree with a lot of the American Administration behaviour...Do they disrespect the country they are serving??? Does CNN disrespect/hate America when it shows negative things about the US???? I don't think so....It's those that see something bad about someone/some-entity and keep those things to themselves who don't want things to get better....Those are the disrespectful/hateful people/organizations....

Originally posted by Francis The Kid Forducci:
the fact that a murderer like Salvatore Riina is your idol, shows a lot about you.

Everyone who posted on this thread mentioned someone to be his/her candidate for "the Greatest Don"...That doesn't mean those were that poster's idols...It was their answers to some question...We all know that all those characters were murderers and mobsters as well....

I don't know much about this Riina guy, but the fact that he rose to the top of The Sicilian Mafia out of nothing, in The-Land-Filled-Mobsters, does qualify him to be a serious contender....

[ January 02, 2002: Message edited by: Sonny ]

"..Your youngest and strongest will fall by the sword.."

"...now you gotta speak more than one language to pull a heist..." Pudge Nichols

"...Never shall innocent blood be shed; yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The THREE shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeaful striking hammer of God..."