What do you know Mr. Forducci............. you sound a little naive to me. First of all you tell us that Michael Corleone is one of the greatest Don's. Due all the respect but where are you living, in a movie??

Then the part about Don Riina:

Let me tell you this, without Don Salvatore there was no longer a Sicilian Mafia, because Giovanni Falcone would have won his battle against Cosa Nostra. Falcone wouldn't make a mistake like Bennito Mussolini did in the twenties and thirties of 1900.

Don Salvatore was absolutly NOT arrogant. He simply just liked the power, and if you act normal and with respect to him, he will treat you with respect aswell. But when you mess up with him then you are in big trouble.

The Heroin Bussiness:

Wake up Mr Forducci, what do you think that the core business of all the other families is about,... candy?? All the families are involved in this business, because it's a big business.

But yeah, what do you know. You believe whats written on that fucking Global Maffia site, thats fine with me. You're living in your BIG America, seeing the great out doors from you easy chair, with your good economics and major coorporations who needs protection. Thats fine with me also.

But don't tell me how we should handle things at Sicily, that's not fine with me.

[ December 31, 2001: Message edited by: Don_Michel ]

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