Originally posted by Don Jasani:
Again I can't narrow it down to just one. but my list would go something like this:
1. Charles "Lucky" Luciano (N.Y./N.J.)
2. Carlo Gambino (N.Y./N.J.)
3. Al Capone (Chi.)
4. Sam Giancana (Chi.)
5. Albert Anastasia (N.Y./N.J.)
6. John Gotti (N.Y./N.J.)
7. Vito Genovese (N.Y./N.J.)
8. Santo Traficante (FLA.)
9. Carlos Marcello (N.O.)
10. Nicodemo Scarfo (Phi.)

No my friend Luciano wasnt the greatest. carlo Gambino was but only in his time back then the police and FBI didnt look at the Cosa Notra that much. My friends Carlo was in his time. then it would be Al Capone then Vito Genovese Then John Gotti then Albert Anastasia. John Gotti was pretty smart but rmember at that time the whole family style was unraveling So the FBI and andy maloney went after him and wouldnt stop even after he wasnt found guilty. But in my thoughts Carlo is wand forever will be the greatest Don ever.

"People love me! My men think I'm Jesus Christ!"