Originally posted by Don_Michel:

Sure Sonny, why not. It's very handy if you know something about our culture and speak our language, if you go to the small villages in the country site.

Bought the book already??

Well, let's see: I'm not Italian/Sicilian nor do I make any understandable sentence in Italian/Sicilian, I do have a fiery temper (I'll get whacked quite quickly).....I guess I'll pass on immigrating to sicily, but if you know of any Family that wants to sell Franchising rights in Europe, let me know

The book? I ordered it, but it's still on the way. They don't have it here, so I had it shipped from Amazon.com and it still didn't arrive....

And RICO, believe me, you don't want those people in your neighbourhood, their food sends out some strange smell (some people like it, but I can't stand it) and it doesn't go away easily...[no offence to any]

"..Your youngest and strongest will fall by the sword.."

"...now you gotta speak more than one language to pull a heist..." Pudge Nichols

"...Never shall innocent blood be shed; yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The THREE shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeaful striking hammer of God..."