I was looking with some friends for a filming-location in a little village in Sicily. I knew some scenes where shot there. So I walked into an old bar and asked those men there if they knew something about the Godfather (il Padrino). One of them said he knew a location where the film was shot, but he didn't know what scene it was. So he stepped into our car and we drove to that place. From the street we only saw a big fence, but looking through it we saw the "holy house" cool .
We rang the door bell but one of the house-maids told us we couldn't come in. The owner didn't want any tourists. At that point the man of the bar spoke to the woman and she went to get the owner. The men knew each other! So then it wans't a problem anymore. We took a lot of pictures and also saw the inside of the castle. We also spoke to the owner about the filming. This was a realy cool experience!

I will put more pictures of our trip online, but I first have to finish my godfather-tour page.

A last one: Theatro Massimo in Palermo. This is where Mary got killed on the steps at the end of part 3.

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