You can't leave when you want to if you joined a family. Doing your own thing, yes, you're subject to law enforcement and your 'business' competition. That's the risk of doing business. But there are people who have left the life after a certain amount. The problem is if the goal is 1 million and you reach it, most say to themselves 'that wasn't that hard' let me try for 2 million and so forth. Then the power is addictive also. I've been fortunate enough to visit places where there are guys on the lam (Brazil, Thailand). They live low key lives but have $. It can be done.
As far as today's mob, I would run a business with mob backing like a book but not be a made member. A stock scam scheme like the families were into is cool because the amount of money you rake in is worth the the risk. You get caught and that's 3-5 tops in Club Fed (low security, white colllar, fed offenses). You're out in 12-18 mos. w/good behavior. But the amount you can make, high 6 figures to millions make it worthwhile in my opinion. Plus you may even get conjugal visits if you're married at some of these. You're in there with tax evaders, wall street crooks and jailed politicians.