WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT DO NOT READ! Consider the fate of William Action Jackson. Back in the 1960s he was an associate of The Outfit in Chicago, a smalltime bookie and numbers man. Never broke the Omerta. But somehow he was accused of snitching. Allegedly, three guys kidnapped him and took him to a slaugterhouse on the South Side. They tied his hands behind his back and hung him upside down on a hook through his rectum. Then baseball bats, cigars, etc were applied and finally an electric cattle prod. For three days they kept him alive torturing him non-stop. It was alleged that the cattle prod was "inserted into his penis and rectum." Finally Jackson expired, never revealing anything. *( *an account of this can be seen in the 1984 Thames documentary "CRIME,INC.")

[ August 08, 2001: Message edited by: Don Rico ]

Power wears out those who do not have it.