My guess (maybe its just wishful thinking) is that too many people are going to be unwilling to repurchase all of their DVD's and players just so they can have the same movie in HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. The vast majority of people don't even use the full capabilities of a DVD right now, such as 5.1 surround sound or high-definition picture. (I bet most people still think by selecting 5.1 surround sound on the audio menu, that they are getting true surround sound, even though they dont have the proper receiver, speakers, and audio cable). Most people just have DVD's vs. VHS for conveinance. I dont think that HD-DVD or Blu-Ray will die as a fad like DIVX did, but it wont replace DVD's like they did for VHS.

Bart, Is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family? No. Well suppose you got a large starving family, is it wrong to steal a truckload of bread to feed them? Uh-uh. And what if your family don't like bread, they like cigarettes? I guess thats ok. Now what if instead of giving them away, you sold them at a price that was practically giving them away. Would that be a crime Bart?