Domenic Corleone, did you read my post fully? It has a little to do with your ethnic background but not too much. I mean, I'm South Asian-Canadian but people think I'm Middle Eastern (Arab, Iranian etc.), Latino, Afghani, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese etc. whatever. It's the talent. Robert De Niro is Italian-American but he played an Irish-American with ease in Goodfellas. Same in Casino where he played a Jewish man. Johnny Depp played an Italian-American in Donnie Brasco, Al Pacino played a Cuban-American in Scarface and a Puerto Rican-American in Carlito's Way.

Read my post again bro, I'm not exactly rooting against the guy. I plan to see the movie, I just feel that another actor should have been chosen to play this part. Hopefully Diesel proves me wrong.