Capo De La Cosa Nostra, Beautiful review of Once Upon A Time in America. I am a semi-active member of this post, but i have not read the original posting of your review.

This film is more about beauty in friendships and loyalty, than anything else. The honesty of the film, as expressed by several sexual innuendos, further expresses the point that the events of the story are possible.

To fully appreciate the film, you must look beyond the actors (names) and take in the scenery and most importantly, the music. I was so impressed with the films score, that I ordered the soundtrack from Spain. (I live in the United States)

I agree with having to watch the movie several times to fully understand all of the concepts. This is so true with Once Upon a Time in America, since it is so long and so complex. Similar to Godfather II and Pulp Fiction, once you understand the chronological order of the story, the true appreciation can really begin.

Bart, Is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family? No. Well suppose you got a large starving family, is it wrong to steal a truckload of bread to feed them? Uh-uh. And what if your family don't like bread, they like cigarettes? I guess thats ok. Now what if instead of giving them away, you sold them at a price that was practically giving them away. Would that be a crime Bart?