I fount TWO today from politics.

First one is local to my state. Tangent: David Yepsen of the Des Moines Register is a self-important ass who acts like a pezzonovante every four years at caucus time. Anyway, he has a regular column and was explaining how the newly re-elected governor replaced his old chief of staff who is best known as a political operative:

"Cacciatore's departure signals that the governor no longer needs a campaign "wartime consiglieri" by his side and is opting for a policy wonk like Gleason instead."

The second one you'll all recognize:

There's new talk of Rudy Giuliani running for governor, and his Mafia shtick at last month's Republican Governors Association confab did little to snuff it out. Giuliani kicked off the meeting with a speech that he began by adopting Marlon Brando's gravelly Godfathervoice. "Nice of all youse guys to have me here," he said, "the families representing all the different states and territories."

(Doesn't get the quote exactly right but we'll let it go.)

As the guvs laughed, he segued into a witty stump speech. "As U.S. attorney, I used to listen to so many tapes of men talking like that. The only part of The Sopranos that makes me happy is that it begins with Tony Soprano driving to New Jersey. It gives me false pride that I sent him there."

"All we have left is our friendship."