Without going into too much details IMO

1.) What happened to the money that they boys originally locked into the deposit box in the railroad terminal? I've assumed that Max took the money to start his new "life," after he was "killed."

Max took it

2.) "Advance Payment For Your Next Job." So Max, or, Senator Bailey, replaces the money in one of the new deposit boxes in the railroad station, intended for Noodles after he kills him?


3.) If Deborah hated Noodles for what he did to her, or disliked that fact that he is a criminal, why would she become Max's lover, since she had known Max while he was a kid as well?

Because Max could give her everything she wanted, and make her dreams come true

4.) Max seemed to "know" beforehand that Noodles was going to inform the police, especially since he somehow fakes his own death, or replaces himself with another person. But we are lead to believe that he figured out Noodles would betray him because he was acting strangely, and he knocked Noodles out. Why would Max detail his Federal Reserve job, but have this massive plan in place as well? Did (Tuesday Weld's character) tell Max that Noodles was going to betray him, after she told Noodles to do so?

I think it was coincedence and Max knew nothing about Noodles being a rat. Noodles would have been killed along w/ the others if he took part in the job. I think Max was going to betray the entire gang. Noodles felt the guilt but over time the guilt was turned over to Max. He intended on betraying his best friend and the guilt ate at him for years

5.) Why would Max put (Tuesday Weld's character) in his Bailey Foundation, if she knew who "he" really was? Is it like an old folks home? I can't figure that out. For that matter, why didn't she just tell Noodles who Bailey was?


6.) Why does Max want Noodles to kill him? Because of the investigation? We know how slippery politicians are, did he think he couldn't get out of it? Or was he really crazy, wanting Noodles to get revenge?

He knew that noodles tortured himself for 30 years with guilt, Max was screwed anyway so this would provide noodles with revenge and redemption

And lastly...

Was it all a dream? (Yes, I know this is open ended. ) [/QB][/QUOTE]

I never thought it was a dream, but the dream theory did absolve Noodles of his guilt over time.

"Francis can I have a momment"