I hadn't seen the Godfather Part 1 for about a month until tonight...and as I was watching it, the scene in the garden (where Vito tells Michael about the traitor) struck me. Was Vito actual worried about Michael's future??? IT seemed to me that he kept repeting everything. At one point Michael even asks him "what are you worried about? I'll handle it"

From this scene, I think Vito was worried...and was scared for Michael's as well as the Family's future. Vito regrets how he wanted to give Michael a better life, and now I think he's scared.

As it turns out, this scene is tremendous as it shows the true intelligence of Vito. We not only able to see how Vito actually figures out how the opposing Families are going to come after Michael, but he also somewhat foreshadows the ending to the entire trilogy. In the garden, Vito asks Michael "Are you happy?" I think if you were to ask that same question to Michael at the end of Godfather Part 3, he would obviously say no. He lost everything. He lost his daughter, Mary. I forget the quote that Michael says, but its soemthing about how children are the true treasure in our lives...

What do you guys think?