I think I can help you there. These sites have collections of Godfather photos that were posted in this thread:

In addition, it appears that some members have compiled their own collection of GF photos, which they have uploaded to their own personal albums on a photo publishing web site. One member has made his album public (meaning anyone can view it):

HINT: If you want to see where people got their photos in a particular thread, do this:
  1. Look for some text that immediately precedes the photo you're interested in (eg., in the first post by SC that text would be "in Sonny's killing")
  2. Choose "View Source" from your browser's menu. A separate window will open up showing the HTML code of the forum page you are viewing.
  3. In this new window (the "source"), do a search for "in Sonny's killing" (usu done by choosing Edit > Find from your browser's menu).
  4. Immediately after those words, you will see some code with the words "img src" (image source). Eg., <img src="http://photopile.com/photos/Consigliere/Family/154572.jpg". Everything in " " shows the source of that picture -- where it came from on the web.
