has anyone seen "Sabrina" (starring Harrison Ford, Greg Kinnear, and Julia Ormond), that 90's remake of the Audrey Hepburn classic? there's a dinner scene there between the two families (Greg Kinnear and Lauren Holly were engaged), and the Lauren Holly's father says, "May your first child be a masculine child.", and Harrison Ford frowns, not understanding. Angie Dickinson, Lauren Holly's mother, says, "it's from Serpico.".

i've always wondered why she said it was from Serpico. or was Angie Dickinson's character in this movie really a ditz? lol

incidentally, i've never seen "Serpico".

"Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again!" - Don Vito to Sonny

"Never let anyone know what you're thinking." - Michael to Vincent