I once saw a funny episode of Married With Children that had some GF references. Al Bundy's daughter was dating a mayor or an alderman, i don't remember which one. But what happens in this episode is that Al thinks he can become a powerful man through his daughter's affair. So he decides to become the "Godfather" in his neighborhood. In one scene, he walks down the stairs dressed like the Godfather while the love theme from the soundtrack is played in the background. I think his neighbors (Marcy and her man) came to his house for a favor and they both kissed his hand. The funny part was when he started talking like the old Vito with a raspy voice. He used a few lines from the movie including, "Some day, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me." LOL. Yeah i remember laughing so hard when i heard that. It was a good episode.