We enter a little bar in the City of Angels as two figures cower in their little booth, each sipping their shot of poison, speaking in whispers.

"You what?!?"

"Rusty, I have the next brilliant gig for the gang. We will rob a Las Vegas casino-"

"Umm Danny, didn't we do that already, you know, we knocked out THREE casinos?!!?"

"Yeah we did, and made a ton of dough from it as I fondly remember, but here is what is different. Instead of a greaseball egotistical casino owner like Terry Bennedict that we have to worry about, this casino is owned by the Italian mob."


"Well Eh, because stored under this casino, the Tangiers Casino to be exact, in its vault is $50 million worth of Nazi/Italian gold that the Italian mob had smuggled from Europe during WW2 and after Mussolini got toppled. Only a few people know about its existance outside of the mob, and you and me are the new members!"

"Wait, gold?!?! Umm, sounds good to me, but...wait, there is something you aren't telling me, aren't you?"

"Well we don't have to worry about a super-ridiculously shoddy security system, though an adequete system does protect that vault. Neverless, its a man we gotta worry about....a tough bastard it seems...."



"Yeah Ace, its what my little birdie told me"

"Nicky Santuro, my friend, you are saying the same gang of thugs that stole Bennedict's 3 casinos a few years back plan to steal the secret contents of the vault under MY casino?!?"

"Indeed, but what is in that vault anyway Ace?"

"Beats me, the bosses never told me whats in it, and I got the impression to not even dare asking about it."


"Okay, so whats the name of this punk theif anyway?"

"Ya my pals tell me that its a certain Danny Ocean..."

"Nicky, the same Danny Ocean that performed at the Sands Hotel years back?!?!"

"Umm no, you're confusing this punk with the Ocean that hang out with Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, and his boys and sang/drank all night all those decades ago"

"Oh, well when this stupid punk and his squad, if they are stupid enough to do so, try to rob MY casino, I'll f*cking bury those cockroaches!"

"Where did you hear that last part?"

"Oh sorry Nicky, I was just on the phone with that Cuban druglord in Miami. A total spick of a toilet bug, but damn entertaining"

"Of course, now lets go and whack these dickheads!"


Okay boys and girls, will Danny Ocean and his pack of 10 other theives from OCEAN'S 11 sly by Sam 'Ace' Rothstein from CASINO and get the gold or will, after Ace is done with this one short of a dozen, director Steven Soderbergh have to direct a new sequel called OCEAN'S 11 GRAVES OUT IN A CORNFIELD?

You tell me, then explain why with (hopefully) a logical argument.