Originally posted by Lollygagers12:
Whose a better #1 man? Vito had Brasi, Michael had Neri....who would you take if you had the choice
Hmmm. That's tough question. They served two different roles to thier respective Dons. Brasi was the big muscle for Don Vito. A one man killing machine. But Vito never really let him into his daily plans and chose Luca for specific jobs where Vito knew that Luca would be effective. Vito never really let Luca in on the details of those plans. As for Neri, he became the right hand man to Michael. Neri was in Michael's daily plans and was included in on specifics. The only time that Neri was left out was right after the attempt on Michael's life, and that was because at that point Michael did not know who was behind the attempt and the only one that he could trust at that moment was Hagen. I think that Luca and Neri were both valuable to thier respective Dons, but on different levels. Neri had poeple under him and could eventually look to oust you if he became unhappy. Luca on the other hand worked alone, and while he was a bulldog, there would be less of a chance that he would form an alliance with the other soldiers to take me out. I think that I would have to go with Luca. This is a man who could SINGLEhandedly take out a regime.

Don Cardi cool

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.