a lot of crappy movies had their moments. one really good scene in the movie was the end when he meets max again; i liked that, very depressing though. i actually liked the style of the film, it was unlike most i have seen. the big problem was that it was overly slow, too many closeups and moments when people were just doing mundane things, such as walking across a street for seemingly thirty seconds.
it was an average movie, and though it tried to be very deep, it was not entertaining enough. and the scenes shot when diniro was old were excruciatingly boring.
an average movie, worth seeing once maybe. the fact it is dragged out and boring would make it hard for me to watch anymore than once, though, unlike the godfather. if a movie is really long, bit better be really good. it was an average movie in an amazing movies body.
enough of my bitching, though. if you guys know of any other good movies, please feel free to let me know.

if wishes were horses, beggars would ride