Originally posted by Omerta_Kosmos:
Monty Python&The Holy Grail, Full Metal Jacket, West Side Story Special Edition, Saving Private Ryan, Death To Smoochy, Hair, The Green Mile, and Minority Report

Your Nutts.

Id buy it to do 3 things

1. Put it on my DVD and Trash it

2. Use it as a Coster

3. Use it for target practice.

Madness! Madness!
- Major Clipton
The Bridge On The River Kwai

GOLD - GOLD - GOLD - GOLD. Bright and Yellow, Hard and Cold, Molten, Graven, Hammered, Rolled, Hard to Get and Light to Hold; Stolen, Borrowed, Squandered - Doled.
- Greed

Nothing Is Written
Lawrence Of Arabia