Originally posted by ScarfaceTonyM:

and near the end when Jimmy gives Karen that money and tells her to go into that little alley what was in there? i couldnt hear what he said. and also does she run off because she thinks she is going to be killed?

The part where Karen is supposed to go choose dresses and gets scared and jumps in the car and drives off, is exactly what I would have done too It looks really suspicious to me being sent into the little back room with the boxes in and the burly looking guys.....no way haha plus, Jimmy watching closely and directing her not friendly and helpful but more concerend she did as he told her. It's possible they wanted Henry and Karen out of the way everything was falling apart for them and they could/did become loose cannons!!
By the time she meets up again with Henry shes regained some composure and he asks is she ok and she says yes, and more or less tells herself it was nothing just her imagination and she got 'scared' I aint so sure :p