Hey all,

A few months ago I posted a thread about the Public Enemy being released on DVD, and how I really wanted to see it.

Well I gave up waiting and ordered it on VHS over the internet, watched it today and was not disappointed. I think you really have to bear in mind how influential it was at the time, otherwise you won't fully appreciate it.

Cagney is electric, he seems head and shoulders above the other actors in the film.

I also managed to order a DVD copy of 'On the Waterfront' with Brando. This is also excellent with Brando, same as Cagney, really holding it together although the supporting cast were also great.

OK, now, questions-

-What do others think of these two films?

-Does anyone know if Public Enemy is going to be released on DVD? Or does anyone think there is even a chance?

-Finally, i am interested to hear people's views on other classics I want to see- Angels with Dirty Faces, White Heat and Little Caesar. And if anyone has any idea about the availability of these films.


Big Phil