So...would you prefer the movie be remade to accomodate your depiction?

OK...Lets suppose Tom's car wasn't able to follow right behind Sonny all the way to the tollbooth. Suppose other cars, (like some hired by Barzini) weaved their way in between them & Sonny thus slowing them down, delaying them from being right behind Sonny the entire time??

How d'ya know THAT didn't happen?

The ultimate needed outcome of the scene (both in the novel and the film) is that Santino ends up dead. Doesn't matter if a few other Corleone men, Barzini's hitmen and even that toll collector ended up dead with him.

The excitement of a bigtime shootout or '..damn good fight..' would've done little to further the story, and in fact I think it was WAY more dramatic and effective the way it was done, with the Sonny being bullet-riddled while alone, cornered, and utterly helpless.

And I think the sight of him lying there all alone was more effective too, then if there had been several other bloody bodies and bullet-riddled cars crowding up the screen.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.