Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Originally posted by Turnbull:
[b] Right, Johnny. I don't think he was Nazorine's father--the proximity in that scene just made for power of suggestion. And I don't think Mama called him "Nazorine."
Ok Turnbull, I think that I finally got you on one here! grin I am 99.9% sure that mama Corleone says " Nazorine, sing us a song!" and the old guy comes to the microphone while at the same time mama is standing right next to Nazorine the baker and both are hysterical laughing. Turnbull, how about this: A friendly bet here. I say that the old man who sang at Connies wedding is Nazorine the Baker's father. If I am wrong, I will buy your dinner. If you are wrong, you buy my dinner. A bet?

Don Cardi cool [/b]
Hey I want a piece of this, my money is with Turnbull.

While it may true that Mama called Nazorine to come up to the stage, that doesnt mean the old man is Nazorine, nor did it mean she wanted him to sing. She might have wanted him to bring in the cake, so she could stop singing. In the picture you can plainly see Nazorine on the stage.
Proably the old guy had too much wine and just was feeling silly. It happens at every wedding, some old guy has too much to drink and feels the need to sing. If you win, we can go to Louis's in the Bronx for dinner, you will love the veal, best in the city grin

Heres the transcript. You will notice that the old man is referred to as the old man.

VOICE (urging Mama Corleone to come onto the stage to sing)

Signora Corleone! -- [more]

MAMA (laughingly)

No -- no -- no! [more]

(then, once on stage)

La stessa storia? ["the same story?"] La stessa storia!

(then sings the first verse to "Luna Mezz'a Mare")

(then, Mama calls Nazorine to the stage)

CUT TO: Sonny goes upstairs

CUT TO: An old man continues "Luna Mezz'a Mare" while Nazorine dances and laughs on stage

CUT TO: Lucy Mancini goes upstairs

CUT TO: The old man who was singing is now dancing

I love my Chrysler and tuna fish sandwiches.