Originally posted by YoTonyB:
In GF I, at Vito's funeral, isn't Don Altobello seen getting out of a car to make his way to the grave? ....
Turnbull (or anybody) please correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Don Altobello a character fabricated solely for the making of GFIII and therefore would not have even existed in any part of The Godfather (either the film or the novel)??? And the old fellow getting out of the car at Vito's funeral - the one who needs chauffer to help him out - wouldn't that have been either Cunneo or Stracci, both of whom are seen earlier at both the wedding and meeting of the Families called by Vito?

As to Altobello's 'past' with the family...if any of the above is true then the only clue to that would be within the dialogue of GFIII.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.