Originally posted by Puppeteer:
[quote]Originally posted by scarface786:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Puppeteer:
[b] Because they are releasing a new Special Edition Raging Bull DVD as part of a 5 movie dvd Scorsese Box set.
What are the other 4 DVDs gonna be and when is it relesing?[/b][/quote]included will be that I know for sure are:
Goodfellas Special Edition
Raging Bull
Who's That Knocking on My Door

I can't remember the other 2.

It was supposed to be released this past November, but I've read that it's pushed to this Spring, but I can't find it on the "Coming Soon" section at IMDB.com[/b][/quote]I don't know how reliable this rumor is but if the other 2 were Casino and Mean Streets, I'd be in heaven.

BTW, latest news from The Digital Bits has Goodfellas Special edition estimated to release on 11/TBD (sometime around November).

"I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they chose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas." -Jack Handy