There are a lot of violent scenes put in cinema. I don't know if things really disturb me, but I remember stuff. The Godfather, of course with such scenes as Sonny's brutal murder and the Baptisimal killings (Moe Green). The first half-hour of Saving Private Ryan and many people have stated how they were actually moreover disturbed by the fight between the two soldiers in that building in that last forty-five minutes. In Gladiator, that first battle in the arena where one of the slaves wets himself and finds himself speared to death along with a lot of other massacreing. There's a shot in We Were Soldiers where a soldier who has been blown away is carried to a helicopter as he screams with most of his face burned off. With Gangs of New York, I don't know why becuase I knew what was gonna happen, but it depressed me in the first scene that these two gangs were fighting so casually with the intent to kill each other. In modern gang warfare, if just one guy ends up dead after a brawl, it's considered a big deal, but to think that back then it could be considered so normal is rather disheartening.

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster"