(Several Days Later... everyone living in the house is sitting around in the living room. Vincent is sitting on the couch playing Grand Theft Auto 3.)

MICHAEL. You're cheating at GTA3. You make me sick...

GHOST OF DON VITO: (appears) A man who cheats at video games can never be a real man. (disappears)

DEANNA. Why are these games so violent?

MICHAEL. Why did Mama have an affair with Clemenza? Why is Al Pacino my long lost half-brother? Why do I go on living in this house with you imbeciles? (Swallows entire bottle of pills.)

VINCENT. (Throws the controller across the room.) Stupid games! Why do they have to be so difficult?!

HAGEN. At least you can play those things. Fredo's still mastering the can-opener.

FREDO. This tomato paste is trapped forever...

MICHAEL. (Hands Fredo a gun.) Use this.

FREDO. Thanks, Mikey! (He sets the can down on a table and aims the gun at it)

MICHAEL. On yourself... not the can, you idiot!

FREDO. Now, that's not very nice!

(Enter FCC)

FCC. Okay people! I have just finished conversing with Mr. Roth.

MICHAEL. My condolences.

FCC. I'm going to ignore that. Okay, it's time you people quit sitting around playing video games. As long as we are trapped in this house, we might as well make ourselves useful. Let's get to work filming this movie! Oh, and Michael, since Mama Corleone killed Al Pacino, you're going to have to play yourself.

MAMA A. Poor Al... he was young and stupid.

MICHAEL. For the last time, I'm not gonna be in this stupid movie!

ROTH. Why not?

MICHAEL. First of all, it's an elaborate plot to kill me. Second, the writing is terrible.

ROTH. But I wrote the script.

MICHAEL. Yes, that explains a lot.

ROTH. You think you could write a better movie script than me?

MICHAEL. Fredo could write a better movie script than you.

FREDO. Yeah! I can write! Someday, I hope to be able to read too!

ROTH. Okay! I'll bet you 3 million dollars that you can't write a better script.

MICHAEL. Three million? That's pocket change, Roth.

ROTH. Okay, 12.

MICHAEL. Now we're talking!

(Battle of the movie scripts....? Stay tuned... The GodBrother will continue...)

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington