Luckily we don't have HBO or I probably would have had that one on the list too!

There was an awful, horrible video I rented maybe about 6 or 7 years ago, maybe some of you have seen it, luckily I can't remember the title of it, when I rented it I thought it was one of those crime shows kind of like "Cops", but hardly.
It was clips of video surveillance cameras and regular police crime scene videos. It had a scene of the police raiding the house of some Satanists who had body parts in their sink, a surveillance camera video of some poor guys who tried to break into a junkyard getting killed by the dogs guarding it and one of some guy who recorded rapes he'd done.
I took it back to the video store and the lady who owned the store took it off the shelves after I told her what was in it.
Still afects me when I think about it.

"Life is so beautiful."

"Even the King of Italy didn't dare to meddle with the relationship of a husband and wife."

Don Vito Corleone