*Anyhow, somehow the curse gets lifted (do I have to explain everything?). Everything is back to normal in the GodBrother House... until...*

HYMAN. (Answers the door. Al Pacino is standing outside.) How the hell did you get out of the house?

PACINO. Uh... I'm looking for a guy named Michael Corleone. Do you know where I can find him?

HYMAN. Don't play dumb with me, Corleone! I know this is part of your twisted little plot to sneak weapons of mass destruction into the house so you can kill me.

PACINO. I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

HYMAN. Oh, you don't, do ya?! (He grabs Pacino by the arm and drags him into the house.) Hey Mama Corleone!

MAMA C. (Coming out of the kitchen) What is it?

HYMAN. Tell Michael here to stop being stupid.

MAMA A. Michael can't help it, he's young and stupid.

HYMAN. Shut up!

MAMA C. That is not Michael!

HYMAN. Yes it is!

MAMA C. No, Michael is much cuter.

DEANNA. Yeah, much cuter!

MICHAEL. Yes, I am much cuter! (Noticing Al) Who the hell are you?!

PACINO. I'm seeing things...

FREDO. That's a weird name.

VINCENT. Of all the corney things we've said in this house...

APOLLONIA. Bella bella bella bella! (Finally, a hot guy!)

BARZINI. (Walks in and thinks there are two Michaels) NOOOOOOOO! (Faints)


PACINO. I'm Al Pacino, which one of you is Michael Corleone?

MICHAEL. Are you with the Senate Committee?


MICHAEL. Then I'm Michael Corleone.

PACINO. I want a part in a movie. Johnny Fontaine told me you were the guy to ask.

MICHAEL. See that line outside? (There is a huge line outside, mostly filled with gangster-looking guys.)


MICHAEL. Take a number and go stand in it. Neri, I'm ready for number 47.

NERI. Forty-seven! (A big scary guy walks in.)

BIG SCARY GUY. I'm number 47.

NERI. The Don will see you now.

PACINO. Damn! You're a popular guy.

NERI. The boss is cool.

PACINO. Well, I guess I'll wait.

NERI. You're number 3,047.

PACINO. 3,047!!!

NERI. Sorry. Are you a first time visitor?

PACINO. I guess.

NERI. Then you'll have to fill out these forms. (Hands him a giant packet of forms.)

PACINO. Great.

*Everyone leaves except poor Al who is filling out the forms. Suddenly Mama C. sneaks up behind him with a chainsaw. -THE FOLLOWING CONTENT HAS BEEN LABELED AS YUCKY, BLOODY, VIOLENT, AND OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE FOR ANYONE TO READ-*

MAMA C. Now all the evidence of my affair with Clemenza is destroyed!

MICHAEL. (Enters) Mama, do we have any cannolis left, 'cause I'm kinda hun... DEAR GOD! Mama, what have you done?!

MAMA C. Calm down, you order this stuff done all the time.

MICHAEL. But with a chainsaw...? Why Mama?

MAMA C. Michael, there is something I have to tell you. Many years ago I had an affair with Clemenza... and Tessio... and that sexy Brazi guy...

LUCY. I'm jealous!

*Stay tuned. More GodBrother coming soon...*

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington