*Now that they are all the opposite gender, all the 'ladies' are in the kitchen making dinner.*

MOLLY GREENE. This is so unfair! I don't know the first thing about being a woman!

HYMANETTA. Yeah... if I'm a woman... how am I going to enjoy myself with... women?

MOLLY. Eww...

MINDY. You know Apollonia... er... I mean Apollo, just isn't attractive to me anymore.

VICKY. Whatever, Aunt Mindy.

DONNA BARZINI. This is all your fault, Donna Corleone!

MINDY. There is no such thing as a curse.

MOLLY. Then how do you explain all this?

MINDY. I'm having withdrawl from not having enough pills.

HYMANETTA. Well, now that the 'guys' are making us do women's work, I suppose we should get on with cooking dinner. Does anyone know how to cook?

MINDY. Clemenza tried to teach me once, but I really wasn't listening.

MOLLY. Hey, Clemenza!

PENNY CLEMENZA. (Stares blankly at the wall.)

VICKY. How ya doin'?

ALISHA NERI. She's still in shock.

*Meanwhile, with the 'guys'...*

DONNY DUNN. This is so great. I can do it with as many people as I want and no one will call me a trashy slut anymore!

APOLLO. Bella bella bella bella. (At least that creepy Mindy girl will leave me alone now.)

PAPA ANDOLINI. Leave Mindy alone, she's young and stupid.

*Back in the kitchen, Tom Hagen, who was out of the house when the curse struck, enters.*

TOM. Hey, ladies!

(They all stare at him angrily.)

TOM. Where did all you gals come from.

VICKY. Hey Tom, how ya doin'?

TOM. Not that again! Wait... what's going on here.

HYMANETTA. It's all Mindy's fault!

TOM. (Looks at Mindy and gets hit by the thunderbolt.) So... Mindy... what are you doing tonight?

MINDY. Hey! I'm not a... wait... I am.

TOM. Mindy, I cannot live without you. I have never seen such a beautiful woman. Let's go get married!

MINDY. Are you out of your mind?!

TOM. Playing hard to get, eh?

ALISHA. Stop seducing the boss!

TOM. The boss?

MINDY. Yeah, we've been cursed. We're all women and the girls are all guys.

TOM. You mean you're...

MINDY. Yes, you idiot!

TOM. (Screams like Michael did in Part III, then faints.)

FRANCINE FORD COPOLLA. Great, I just mopped that floor.

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington