FREDO. (To Mama) So it's true, I was left on the doorstep by gypsies!

MICHAEL. So you aren't really my brother? I didn't kill my own brother! I'M GUILT FREE!!!

HAGEN. Uh... Mike, you never had any guilt.

NERI. The boss is a man of very complex emotions. He has layers. Mafia men are like onions. They have layers.

BARZINI. You're quoting the wrong movie, dumb-ass.

NERI. Sorry

Speaking of wrong movies, Vincent suddenly seems to suffer from amnesia. Let's just hope this goes well. The contestors have a new assignment. Guineapig, this one's for you! This is day 59 of Big Brother: Grande Fratello Corleone

BIGBRO: this week's assignment is....imagine yourselves young again, and act like you were living in the 1920's once again. the task is to take out an evil creepy looking guy before he forces the entire house to pay him ridiculous amounts of protection fees.

DR.EVIL: well heeeeeeeeellllooooooooooo!!!

AUSTIN POWERS, INTERNATIONAL MAN OF MYSTERY: no not you dumb-ass, wrong movie!

DR.EVIL: hey you zippit, or I will grab my "la-ser"


DR.EVIL: Ssshhhh!


DR.EVIL: Zipp-it!


DR.EVIL: doubleU doubleU doubleU! dot com!

DEANNA: I'm coming allright!


DR.EVIL: Ssssh! Zipp-it! blablabla

MICHAEL: Hey guys, can you please shut up, you're in the wrong movie anyway, and I don't like your pointless conversation.


MICHAEL: Oh, we're getting funny now are we?

DR.EVIL: well, if you don't mind me saying so..

BIGBRO: well, we do, Dr.Evil, you are not the evil creepy guy we had in mind... his name is....Giuseppe Fanucci.

A theatre is built next to the BB-house. Michelle, the beautiful actress from Senza Mama who would get jiggy with Genco later (when she was called Carla by the way) starred in some Napolitan play

all of the contestors are in the audience. Suddenly a man with a big posture, a white suite and a silk pink hat stands up in the middle of an act

CONNIE: hey you asshole, bafangool you!!

MICHAEL: who's that?

DR.EVIL: well, if that's the creepy guy they surely have not seen my third movie!

the man walks out of the theatre. Vincent, who was not invited to the show ran into him behind the scenes

VINCENT: hey ol man, how ya doin?

FANUCCI: in Italian good day my son, how are you doing?

VINCENT: I'm doing good how ya doin?

FANUCCI: in Italian If you excuse me, I have to threaten some poor innocent people

VINCENT: yeah good show dude, how ya doin?

FANUCCI: in Italian Oh you like it?

VINCENT: yeah, had to sneak in though!

FANUCCI: in Italian yeah I see you're dressed for it...

VINCENT: what, where did I get these clothes??


FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA: hey, I'm looking for a Mr.Roth

MICHAEL: oh, you're the director huh... yeah well you see, it's Friday today.. .Roth will probably be at the sinagogue... have a seat, have an orange

FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA: no thanks, I always say, "oranges kill ya"...

enters VINCENT

MICHAEL: you remember my nephew Vincent, do you Francis?

VINCENT: Hey Uncle Mike, how ya doin

MICHAEL: how are you doing?

VINCENT: good how ya doin

MICHAEL: Vincent, this is Mr.Coppola, the guy from Paramount

VINCENT: hey dude, how ya doin?

FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA: actually I'm a little uncomfortable right seems no one leaves this house anymore, and I want to catch dinner. My wife makes some excellent cannolis

CLEMENZA: maybe she could ring with my wife, she won't make 'em anymore

ALTOBELLO: maybe she could ring with my goddaughter, she makes the worst cannolies ever

CARLO RIZZI: at least she made you something to eat. I can only ask her for it

SONNY: hey shut up about my little sister

VINCENT: hey dad!! Never thought I would see you!

SONNY: dad? boy you must have lost your memory or something

VINCENT: actually I have. You see I have this condition

ALL OTHERS: oh no not again!!!

VINCENT: what, did I told it before?

MICHAEL: only everytime we see ya

TOM HAGEN: but we can keep telling the same jokes over and over again!

MAMA ANDOLINI: I must have told you were stupid like a million times

MAMA CORLEONE: well I have not counted them but I think you did!

CONNIE: actually, Sonny, he is your son. You remember him right. Vincent, Lucy's kid

VINCENT: hey dad, how ya doin

SONNY: badda beep badda baap badda boop don't you ever shut up?

VINCENT: wow, my dad, my Family all around.. who arranged this? great party!

MICHAEL: oh you like it?

VINCENT: yeah I had to sneak in

MICHAEL: why did you actually?

VINCENT: you see, my horse was beheaded. I want to know who did it!

GRACE HAMILTON: Is that why you have all those freaky tattoo's all over your body?

VINCENT: yeah you kinda learn to trust your own handwriting... anyway, I want to send an orange to whoever did it.

ANDREW HAGEN: well that's a very generous thought, my friend. Avenging the death of your horse with some fruit

VINCENT: hey Andy, how ya doin

ANDREW HAGEN: fine, how are you doing?

VINCENT: good, how ya doin

ANDREW HAGEN: fruit is good for your system...the vitamines

MICHAEL: speaking of which, Barzini, the drugs you wanted to deal in, those it have some of diabetics pills too?

VINCENT: You don't understand, I want to take the bastard who killed my horse OUT!!

MICHAEL: I heard you had Moe Greene, who I left in control here, shot in the eye again...the man needs new pair of glasses every week man. But he was the leader over here! Foolish of you won't you think?

VINCENT: foolish of me? well a little of this guy don't you think? right? RIGHT?

ANDREW HAGEN: why all this hostility?

VINCENT: hey andy, how ya doin?

MOSCA FROM SICILY: Vincent, I know a way you can get to the killer of your horse! Just dress up as a priest.

VINCENT: but where to find such clothes. I like my leather jacket!

they all look towards Andrew Hagen

ANDREW: No, ooohh no, no please...please not!

Vincent took on Andrew Hagen's clothes

BIGBRO: this week's assignment is....imagine yourselves young again, and act like you were living in the 1920's once again.


After a long time, Sonny feels like visiting his Family again, and enters the BB house.

SONNY: yo what up cracks? how's it hanging?

MICHAEL: Sonny, did you take some pills with you

SONNY: hey cut the crap will ya? we have more important things to do. WHERE'S LUCY?

DEANNA: hey who are you, cute little fellow?

SONNY: wooowly, why did I never meet ya?

FREDO: leave her, she's mine...

SONNY: shut up gipsy

FREDO: you knew too?

MAMA CORLEONE: they all know, Freddie

MAMA ANDOLINI: that's why I keep saying all those days, you are STUPID!

Michael is having a heart attack

MICHAEL: Neri, get my pills

NERI: should I take the green ones or the blue ones. Boss what d'ya think?

MICHAEL: Neri, don't ever discuss these things outside the Family anymore!

SONNY: So, Lucy, do you think Deanna can join us?

APOLLONIA: Bella bella bella bella (translation: heya whata bouta mea?)>PS thanks PastaPunk!! wink

MAMA CORLEONE: Santino, what did I tell you about having threesomes with girls you're not married too?

ANTHONY: hey pop, what's the matter. are you trippin or something? I told you Barzini's dope was bad...

SONNY: hey, who are you? You look just like me!

MAMA CORLEONE: I was about to say that

ANTHONY: well, it's summer season now in Sicily.. no one seems to care for males singing in thights... they are all plucking oranges, olives and pears


ROTH: oranges?

VITO&GENCO: olive oil?

MRS.CLEMENZA: cannolies?? no? realy not?

SONNY: so what are you for Anthony? You think you can sing here too? This isn't the opera you know, where you can dress in thights and get away with it because you're a mile away from the audience. You have to sing for us here in the middle of his, and the eggs, tomatoes and oranges we'll throw at ya will baddabing mess up that nice Ivy League suite of yours!

ANDREW HAGEN: And I will never give away my suit!

MAMA ANDOLINI: Give away your clothes? While your dressed in black that well? Man, this family keeps gaining stupids! How old are you boy?

ANDREW HAGEN: 41 ma'am

MAMA ANDOLINI: and still single

TESSIO: what's wrong with that

MAMA CORLEONE: hey, Tessio, shut up. Go dance with Woltz's teenage friend, she can stand on your shoes

TESSIO: oh no really... (to Tom): Tom can you get me of the hook. For ol' times sake?

TOM HAGEN: man, you're in a lot of shit, Tess...

VINCENT: who are you, anyway?

TESSIO: hi I'm Tessio, Vito's capo

VINCENT: how ya doin!

TESSIO: I'm very good, Mr.Vincent, how are you doing?

VINCENT: good how ya doin... great set of eyebrows you have there!


VINCENT: I have probably as much hair on my chest than you have above your eyes

SONNY: did you ever see my back?...wait a could be my son if I didn't know better than Lucy was impregnated my Dr.Jules "The Miracle" Segal two years after I died....

FREDO: so you appear from the death too huh?

SONNY: damn right I am! How's gipsy heaven? great ghost you are....

FREDO: how did you get a real body, man?

SONNY: all dead people can return in real bodies...except for gipsies!

MAMA CORLEONE: Sonny, what did I tell you about calling your brother a gipsy. Wait a minute, he is...

VINCENT: hey, who are you again...?

FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA: hey, I'm looking for a Mr.Roth

MICHAEL: oh, you're the director huh... yeah well you see, it's Friday today.. .Roth will probably be at the sinagogue... have a seat, have an orange

Vincent's condition is called "anterograde memory loss" he can only remember things for about 10 minutes. What will happen to the cast after the Senza Mama show, when meeting Fanucci? Will they fullfill their assignment? And what happened before Vincent's encounter with his father, Sonny? And how many oranges will Anthony provide the rest of the inhabitants towards the end of the 100-day BB contest, in order to become the avenging, transformed son-of-a-Don all Godfather stories must have? Stay tuned, and be sure the watch...
day 60 of Big Brother: Grande Fratello Corleone

in the following editions, PastaPunk, Don Mikey, Guineapig, Giorgio Gambino.., we'll meet Sollozzo, Sofia Coppola, The Pope, President Bush, George Orwell and Antonio Andolini.... be aware.

Giorgio, this topic never...dies...................................................................................................