Originally posted by don papa:
Don Mikey, you're so inspired! grin

... and the saga continues ...
Thank you! smile

MICHAEL. (Realizing that he is now a holy avenger and can smite evil) You're going down Roth!

GREENE. Ha ha! Roth's goin' down!

MICHAEL. And you too, Moe!


MICHAEL. (Laughs evily... his wings disapear) ARGH! What happened?

NERI. I think you're evil boss. Holy artifacts can usually sense stuff like that.

MICHAEL. Damnation!

ANDREW. Yes... I suppose so.

MICHAEL. (Takes off the medal and throws it across the room) Cheap piece of crap.

VINCENT. (Picks it up) It says in the inscription that this can only be worn by the pure of heart to right the wrongs done to him in the name of evil.

HAGEN. Well, I guess we're safe. There's no one here who fits the 'pure of heart' description.

(The Ghost of Fredo appears and grabs the medal. He becomes Fredo... THE AVENGING ANGEL OF DEATH!!!)

MICHAEL. I really need those pills now. And Vincent, never tell anyone what it says on the back of a holy medal again.

VINCENT. Sure, Uncle Mike.

FFC. I love it! The passion! The drama!

GREENE. Are you still here?

BARZINI. Hey Fredo, what kind of powers does that thing give ya? Can you conjure somethin' up out of thin air?

FREDO. Like what?

BARZINI. I dunno. Like a million dollars?

FREDO. Hmm... Money's the root of all evil. But maybe I could conjure up something good. Let me try. (Fredo 'concentrates', there is a loud bang, and a pear appears on a table.)

MAMA CORLEONE. What a nice pear!

MICHAEL. A pear? Is that it, Fredo?

FREDO. Hey, I gave it my best shot! Can you make fruit appear out of thin air? Huh? Can ya, Mike?

FFC. I can do the same thing with oranges.

VINCENT. Shut up, no one cares about you!

(Suddenly, a couple of gypsies enter.)

LADY GYPSY. There you are Fredo!

FREDO. Who are you?

LADY GYPSY. I'm you mother, Fredo.

FREDO. (To Mama) So it's true, I was left on the doorstep by gypsies!

MICHAEL. So you aren't really my brother? I didn't kill my own brother! I'M GUILT FREE!!!

HAGEN. Uh... Mike, you never had any guilt.

NERI. The boss is a man of very complex emotions. He has layers. Mafia men are like onions. They have layers.

BARZINI. You're quoting the wrong movie, dumb-ass.

NERI. Sorry.

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington