(Sometime later in the living room of the BigBrother/Godfather house)

MICHAEL. Naturally he would choose to film the movie here...

FFC. So, the whole thing begins with the main character, Mitch Corelli, being honored by the Pope.

MICHAEL. Mitch Corelli? Real original, Roth.

MAMA ANDOLINI. Don't be mean to poor Hyman. He's... well he's not young... drat.

FFC. Okay, Michael, let's begin on page one with your speech.

MICHAEL. (reading) My dear children... (Looks up) This is so lame! Who wrote this crap?

ROTH. (Infuriated) How dare you insult my work!

FFC. Gentlemen, please!

(Suddenly, Tom Hagen runs in)

HAGEN. There you are! It's horrible!

MICHAEL. What's wrong?

HAGEN. You've been gone so long that the Commission decided to divide up your empire and give all your stuff in Vegas to the Japanese!

MICHAEL. The Japanese!

(Tom and Michael run to the door.)

VOICE OF BIGBRO. And where do you think you're going?

MICHAEL. To save my empire from the Japanese!

BIGBRO. You're not going anywhere. You have to play the game.

MICHAEL. I'm tired of your stupid game!

BIGBRO. And, Mr. Hagen, now that you're in the house you have to stay until the game is over.



HAGEN. (Shrugs his shoulders) Oh well... guess I'll go get some of Mom's cannolis. Mmm... cannolis.

FFC. Are you finished, Mr. Corleone.

MICHAEL. In more ways than one.

FFC. Hey, the script says that they present you with a medal from the Order of St. Sebastian. Hmm... we need a prop.

(Enter Andrew Hagen with a box)

ANDREW. Here ya go.

FFC. Thanks. Here, put this on.

MICHAEL. (Takes the box and puts on the medal, suddenly Michael sprouts angel wings)

APOLLONIA. Mama mia!

HAGEN. Holy @#$&!

ANDREW. Indeed.

MAMA CORLEONE. Michael, what did I tell you about taking holy medals from strangers?

NERI. Boss?

MICHAEL. I feel so young... so alive... so POWERFUL!

VINCENT. Dang. Guess that means I don't get to be Don now. Rats.

*Why does Michael have wings? What will become of Hyman's infamous screenplay? Where did Moe and Barzini go? Find out in our next installment...*

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington