the Big-Brother directors announce the contestors have been in the hous for 43 days, and throw a party.

DEANNA DUNN: wa? ha we bin ere fo for-e-tree dayz? we mus be stupi!?!

MAMA ANDOLINI: well, I wasn't gonna say anything...

ROTH, GREENE, TATTAGLIA and BARZINI enter the room with guns

VINCENT: It's a hit

MICHAEL: please shoot me this time, instead of my daughter!

NERI: Mikey, over here...

Neri tosses a box of pills to Michael

MICHAEL: At last, I thought I was dying, I never felt so smart before...

ROTH: Listen to, Commendatore Corleone, you will not get away this time

the ground starts to shake. some flashlights light up the room. it must be a helicopter or something...

the helicopter lands on the BB-house, and out of it comes a very colorfull person.

AUSTIN POWERS, INTERNATIONAL MAN OF MYSTERY: Yeah baby yeah, do I make you randy baby, do I?

DEANNA, APOLLONIA & LUCY: You sura as hell make me!


BARZINI: this guy won't die!

MICHAEL: they won't let me out of the house!

MAMA CORLEONE: no one eats my food anymore! the only [I}schmug[/I] who eats my food keeps asking for smaller pieces..

AUSTIN POWERS, INTERNATIONAL MAN OF MYSTERY:, shall we shag now or shag later? I won't bite...hard

LUCY: hmmm yes


a new member joins the pack in the BB-house.

it's Constanzia

DEANNA: geeya, wa are ya wearin? you look redicidulas...

MICHAEL: she's been like that ever since part III

FREDO: jesus Connie, you look awful

CONNIE: banfangool you all, I have the power to emerge from a weak Italian lady to a ruthless killer... I will be the first Female head I tell ya... rise up for Donna Corleone...

VINCENT MANCINI comes back from Vegas: yeah yeah whatever, I'm the Don now...

CONNIE: Michael, you remember Vincent, Sonny's son

VINCENT: hey how ya doin Mr.Corleone

MICHAEL: oh not are you doing?

VINCENT: I'm doin good how ya doin

NERI: Mikey, do you want me to get rid of him

MICHAEL: Neri, don't ever ask me about what I'm going to do.

APOLLONIA, out of nowhere!: what day is it today anyway?

VINCENT: good party Mike, how ya doin?

MICHAEL: I heard you shot Dr.Segal in the tits. foolish of you won't you think?

VINCENT: foolish of me? well a little of this guy don't you think? right? RIGHT?

enters ANTHONY: hey pop, I quite singing in thights!

MICHAEl: Tony, you look a lot like your uncle Sonny...your face, your looks...much more then this Vincent character

VINCENT: hey Anthony, how ya doin

ANTHONY: fine, how are you doing?

VINCENT: good, how ya doin

ANTHONY: pop, I'm running for presidency..I'm making grandpa's wish come true

enters ANDREW HAGEN: Hey uncle Mike

VINCENT: hey Andy, how ya doin

ANDREW HAGEN: fine, how are you doing?

VINCENT: good, how ya doin

ANDREW HAGEN: uncle Mike, are you plotting to kill the pope soon?

MICHAEL: Neri, are we?

NERI: not that I know off boss

MICHAEL: check out that Jew Roth if he is...why you ask Andy?

ANDREW HAGEN: I'm running for pope uncle Mike..but there need to die one first. I'm gonna be Andreus Hagenus Primus!

FREDO: that's swell Andrew, congratulatio..ah. (Vincent interrupts)

VINCENT: go on encourage him.... Andy, how could you do this, on the party og the 43rd day of this BB contest...Big Brother himself, rest in peace, would be heartbroken.


MICHAEL: Big Brother, I want to thank you for helping me organize this...meeting here today.
And also the other people living in his house...Hyman Roth from Miami and his Sicilian message boy Johnny Ola...and ah...from Nevada...Moe Greene...also, from the Vatican, my nephew Andrew Hagen..and all the other associates that came as far as from New York and Sicily, and all the other territories of the world....thank you.

(they all sit down)

How did things ever get so far? I don't know. It was so -- unfortunate -- so unnecessary.
Fredo lost his body -- and I lost my freaking pills! We're quits. And if Fredo agrees, then I'm willing
to -- let things go on the way they were before...

KAY: Mike, you're being too honest. To reasonable. that's always been your thing, huh, reason...I liked you better when you were just a common mafia hood!

DEANNA: what's a hood?

MAMA CORLEONE talking to Andy Hagen: those two looke alike


KAY/DEANNA: what do ya mean by that?

MICHAEL: hey cut the crap will ya? Andreus Hagenus Primus himself just blessed me, you think y'all know better than the pope?

he continues: how I want you to know that I'm willing to leave this house. All my life, I want out. Since he's doing a good job, financially speaking, I'm giving control over to Moe Greene.

MOE GREENE: I believe in this house. It has made my fortune. and look where I'm now? stalked by an old jew...a bold pimp...heck, I'm not even getting drugs due to the Corleone Family's history! At least Fredo, the stupid one...


MAMA ANDOLINI: you could tell?

FREDO: mom, I thought you said...

MAMA CORLEONE: hold your mouth gipsy-without-a-body

MOE GREENE: anyways, at least Fredo provided me with some girls ;-)

WOLTZ: can you give me an address, hah???

LUCY: Freddie, why didn't you sent me to this Greene man, he seems like a nice guy...

GREENE: you know, Fredo, I beat thos girls, like animals!

DR.SEGAL: when they came to me, their noses were broken. their jaws were shattered, held together by wires. they couldn't even weep because of the pain.

GREENE: yeah yeah whatever. I wept though! Why did I weep? they were the light of my life...beautiful young know you can't stick your little boy in these slot machines! I need slut machines!!!!

LUCY: again, you could have called me

DEANNA: heck, I even live in Vegas!

GREENE: now, I will never be pleased again. so I bought Playboy and Penthouse magazines

(the entire room is filled with shock!!!!!)

MICHAEL: why didn't you come to me first?

GREENE: What do you want of me? Tell me anything. But do what I beg you to do.

MICHAEL: What is that?

GREENE whispers in his ear that he wants all male contestors out of the house...he wants Michelle from Senza Mama back and also Sonny's twin daughters when they we're 16 (Woltz overheard this and asked for them to be 12 again!)

MICHAEL: That I cannot do.

GREENE: I'll give you anything you ask, all the money I made with the garden-casino...

MICHAEL: this is the first time you came to me for counsel,
for help. But let's be frank here: you
never wanted my friendship. And uh, you were afraid to be in my debt.

GREENE: I didn't want to get into trouble.

MICHAEL: I understand. You found paradise in the Big Brother house, had a good trade, made a good living. Roth protected you; and there were camera's all over the place.

GREENE: You don't talk to a man like Moe Greene like that! anyway I ask you for justice.

MICHAEL: Moe... Greene... What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?

I don't need your money, I've got Immobiliare...if you would offer me a set of pills though...

ROTH: say Moe, those fruit slot machines, with them oranges on it...can you make them pay out real oranges?

MRS.CLEMENZA: can you make them pay out cannoli's, cuz PEEEETEER!!! where the hell are mine?

CONNIE: sssshht, Lucy is having another baby from dead Sonny out of nowhere!!

LUCY: aaaarghh uuuuuuughh whooooooooieew... ah this hurts..

ANTHONY: aww, that's pretty goddamn disgusting

MICHAEL: close your eyes Tony, you're not up for this

ANTHONY starts crying

VINCENT: what's the matter with you?!? you can act like a man? Is this how you turned out? A Palermo finocchio that ah cries like a woman?

What is that nonsense? Ridiculous.
MICHAEL: enough! don't ever let anyone else know what you're thinking.

VINCENT: look at it, I have a baby brother now blush

MICHAEL: Now this miracle Mancini-baby doesn't conflict with my business with Mr.Moe Greene.

I'm leaving the house!

ROTH: could you deliver some oranges when you're out, Mikey?

ROTH: hmmm, "the Death of Michael Corleone", wonder if I can make a movie out of that. Maybe my Jewish friend Woltz has an actor in mind. I'll call Coppola.


ROTH: is this the Coppola residence? may I finally speak to an adult?

OTHER SIDE OF THE PHONE: it's me, Sofia. technically I'm an adult now! can I play a part in your movie?

ROTH: that, you have to ask to you look old

OTHER SIDE OF THE PHONE: naa, I just turned you think I can get away with playing a 26 year old?

ROTH: with Woltz, you'd better play someone half that age!

OTHER SIDE OF THE PHONE: I hope he doesn't want any sexual favors of me. I'm a virgin you know. I'd commit suicide if he asks me to do anything like that... hey, that's a great movie idea!

ROTH: you were saying?

OTHER SIDE OF THE PHONE: never mind, see ya

ROTH: lechaim!

all of the others went to Moe Greene to kiss his hand and say:


VINCENT: heya! what-a bout-a me-a??