the next morning......
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Michael is feeling sick.

MICHAEL: Neri, where are my pills...

NERI: boss, are you upset you didn't get voted away?

MICHAEL: don't ask about my feelings, Al!

MAMA CORLEONE: Mike, what-a you want-a for-a break-a-fast?

MICHAEL: don't ask me what I want to eat!

MAMA CORLEONE: oh, well then I'm-a gonna make-a Peter Clemenza some-a cannolis!

MICHAEL: what? don't ever take side against the family again!

KAY: Michael! don't talke to your mother like that!

MAMA CORLEONE: hey little white trash girl you, what I told you about talking to my babyboy like that, huh?

MAMA ANDOLINI: stop annoying her, she's young and stupid

APOLLONIA, DEANNA DUNN, LUCY, FREDO, LITTLE VITO'S GHOST, all at once: what? who called me?

MICHAEL: guys, would you please stop? I'm stressed out here, I wanted to leave the house...

KAY: Michael, you're blind...

MICHAEL: I don't wanna hear about it!

KAY: but Michael...

MICHAEL: I don't wanna hear about it!

KAY: but

MICHAEL: I don't wanna hear about it!
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MICHAEL: I don't wanna hear about it!

MICHAEL: Enough!

HYMAN ROTH: Yeah, this is Roth speaking. Is this the Coppola residence? Yes? Who is it on the phone?


ROTH: Who?

OTHER SIDE OF THE PHONE: Roman, you know, the guy who played young Sonny, with the curly hair

GREENE: Michael, come out here, I need you're help. Bring Neri with you.

MICHAEL: Be right there Moe!

KAY: Michael, we are you going?

MICHAEL: do not ask me about my business, Kay

KAY: Michael, is it true?

MICHAEL: for once, you can ask me about my business...

MAMA CORLEONE: is it true you've been snacking at McDonald's lately? where are you manners

MAMA ANDOLINI: shut it, he is young and stupid.

APOLLONIA, DEANNA DUNN, LUCY, FREDO, LITTLE VITO'S GHOST, all at once: what? who called me?

MICHAEL: Al, come with me. We're going to Moe's casino. be sure to take some chairs with you. I heard Moe has new glasses. Where's Calo when you need him...

ROTH: Can I speak to your ... hello? who is this now?


ROTH: who?

OTHER SIDE OF THE PHONE: MAry, you know, the girl from the baptism scene and from the immigration scene. Is Vincent still in the BB-house?

ROTH: no, he took off with his wife, children and his horse [Linked Image]to Vegas. Woltz is with him right now. Can I speak too...

OTHER SIDE OF THE PHONE: Hello? Who the hell is this?

ROTH: Damn, it's Roth, now get me a grown up Coppola for once

OTHER SIDE OF THE PHONE: I am grown up. I am Nicholas Kim Coppola....

ROTH: Who?

OTHER SIDE OF THE PHONE: you know, the guy who traded faces with John Travolta in that John Woo picture

DR.SEGAL: that was actually me doing business out there.

SENZA MAMMA ACTRESS (allowed to talk to her old roommates one last time, by intercom): Dr.Segal, when can I make an appointment, as I asked for?

DR.SEGAL: let me see, Apollonia got my agenda...

Apollonia when can Michelle have an appointment

APOLLONIA: monday, tuesday, thursday, wednesday

IN COMES JOE PESCI: whowly shit, you crazy jew motherfucker you (talking to Roth)... I'm in the wrong movie! (exit Pesci)

ROTH to CLEMENZA: Hey Clemenza, wanna rat out on Michael?

CLEMENZA: yeah sure. give him and Neri two in the head each. shoot them the minute you get out of the bathroom. then you drop the gun, and Tessio will be waiting outside.

ROTH: he's in it too?

CLEMENZA: yeah, he's a master in betrayal!

Roth starts practicing the hit.

MRS.CLEMENZA: Peter! where you at?

CLEMENZA: Oh shit, Roth, we gotta go. Leave the gun, take the cannolie!
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ROTH: damn, just when I thought I had a gun, I lost it again...


Senator Geary is there.
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BB: who the hell is The Godfather among you?

MICHAEL: I never knew no godfather.

BB: Sir, you are contradicting a sworn statement that you previously made to us and signed.

MICHAEL: I thought you was gonna get me outtahere, them guys of the FBI promised me a nice deal, so I told some things...

BB: you think you're getting outtahere?

MICHAEL: please yes please


MAMA CORLEONE: hey you, watch your mouth. you owe my son an apology!

MAMA ANDOLINI: don't blame BB. they are all stupid.


VINCENT: which days is BB televised, anyway?

APOLLONIA: monday, tuesday, thursday, wednesday...

MAMA CORLEONE points out a gun to the BB director: LET ME SON GO!
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Michael is released from the BB-house...

after 15 minutes of interview with Grace Hamilton, Michael realizes he forgot his pills inside the house. He runs back, screaming like he did in GFIII, only to be reunited with all of the contestors...

MICHAEL: Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me right back in!

(TAKE IT FROM HERE GUYS, after a while I'm losing my sense of funnyness