*This morning, the members of the Godfather/Big Bro house find out who is first to get kicked out... Everyone is gathered in the living room.*

MICHAEL. (He looks stressed and is twitching from a lack of pills and cigarettes) Please, please let it be me! I want out of here... My entire empire is suffering. It needs my divine leadership...

NERI. You okay, boss? You're not looking so hot.


DEANNA. (Giggles) Neri thinks Michael's hot...

MAMA C. Michael, what did I tell you about drugs?

GREENE. They better not kick me out! My casino is raking in the cash! Apollonia has become addicted to gambling.

APOLLONIA. I gamble everyday. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday...

HYMAN. (Talking into a small cell phone that he snuck into the house) Yes, may I speak with Mr. Copolla? Tell him it's Hyman Roth.

BIG B. Well... the first person to leave our house will be... Michael.

MICHAEL. (In a rare display of true emotion) YES! YES! I'M OUT! I'M OUT!

BIG B. Oops. I read this thing wrong. I meant Michelle, yes, Michelle.

GREENE. Who the hell is Michelle?

(The actress from Senza Mamma stands and leaves.)

MAMA A. Poor Michelle, she was young and stupid.

MICHAEL. (He stands there in shock for a few seconds, then he screams like in GF III)

HYMAN. (Pulls a thick booklet marked 'screenplay' out of a nearby drawer) I think I can use that!

NERI. Boss?

MICHAEL. I don't feel so good, Neri... (He faints)

NERI. Boss!


MAMA C. Michael!

OTHER BODYGUARD. I think he's dead.

MAMA C. Don't be ridiculous! You can never lose your family.

LUCY. Shouldn't someone do something?

DEANNA. I know how to do mouth-to-mouth...

LUCY. Deanna!

MICHAEL. (Weakly) Just when I thought I was out they pull me back in...

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington