lol lol lol

(I love this topic too! But you probably figured that out already...)

Hyman's Diary Room Thing:

BIG B. Hyman, how do you feel right now?

HYMAN. Frustrated! I keep trying to kill him and he just won't DIE! All I want is a little revenge, then I can return to Israel and live as a Jew in the twilight of my life. Could I maybe get some guns or something? Mama Corleone has a one, Michael's got one, how come I don't get a gun?

BIG B. Because no one likes you.

HYMAN. But I'm bigger than U.S. Steel!

BIG B. No, that's Michael. He's popular. He's the main character.

HYMAN. That gives me an idea! If I can't kill him, maybe I can ruin his popularity and dispell that aura of Mafia coolness that seems to follow him! Maybe I could make him old... and remorseful! Oh... sweet revenge!

BIG B. Uh oh... Why am I getting an eerie sense that you're writing a script for a third Godfather movie?

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington