Someday, the maddness will end...

Originally posted by Pherdy:
great one Don Mikey...
Off course, Don Mikey, they are all reincarnated the next moring.....
Oh... and thanks for the casino idea, Pherdy.

MICHAEL. (The next morning, Michael is in his closet, trying to decide what to wear) Hmm... So many suits... and all of them so expensive...

NERI. Feeling better this morning, boss?

MICHAEL. Don't ask me about my feelings, Neri.

NERI. Sorry boss. Anyhow, it's good to see that you're over the whole Apollonia/Fredo thing.

MICHAEL. I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm 'over it', but I do feel a little better.

(Downstairs, Mama Corleone walks into the kitchen to start fixing breakfast. She finds Fredo/Barzini seated at the table, shot a couple of times in the head.)

MAMA C. Michael... what am I going to do with that boy?

(Back upstairs)

MICHAEL. (Pulls a box of cufflinks out of the closet) Hey, where did all my M cufflinks go? I have plenty of C's but no matching M's!

NERI. Mr. Greene said something about melting them all down to make coins for the slot machines.

MICHAEL. What slot machines?

OTHER BODYGUARD. Greene's building a casino in the courtyard.

MICHAEL. Why didn't either of you tell me about this?

NERI. Well... you didn't ask, boss.

MICHAEL. I'm going to have a few words with Moe. No one is allowed to operate a casino in this house without paying me at least 10%!

NERI. Ten percent? For what?

MICHAEL. Protection!

OTHER BODYGUARD. Protection from what?



MAMA ANDOLINI. (Walks by) Don't hurt poor Moe, he's young and stupid.

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington