I've been waiting for Mafia to come out for a LONG time now! But, now... Of course, as soon as it comes out... I'M FUCKING BROKE!

But... Soon, I'm gonna get it. I'll find SOME way!

Plus, I like playing games on the console better than the PC. I mean, I'm much more comfortable when I'm sitting down in a chair, or laying on my bed, with the controller in my hands better than sitting up at a computer chair, staring at the screen, a foot away, clicking and typing!

So, I definately will get the PC version... BUT, as soon as I get my Gamecube this Christmas and the game comes out... You can bet your ass I'll have it! :p

Oh, wait... It's coming out for PS2?! YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAH! Okay, that was refreshing. I'll have that thing the day it's out! No fucking doubt!

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw